It was already clear that we were not going to be able to host the blow-out 30th year event that an anniversary year warranted, and that we should target a modest one this fall. Other prides - like Atlanta Pride - that had rescheduled their 2021 events to the fall have already cancelled. Authoritative consultants raised the spectre that we would be creating a super-spreader event. We are now beginning to get some pushback and cancellations of those who might otherwise have participated in our event this October. As the summer wound to a close, Jersey Pride was forced to confront the reality of a fall surge of the virus - courtesy of both the delta variant and a non-trivial percentage of the population eschewing vaccinations.
Jersey Pride, Inc., producers of NJ's Annual Statewide LGBTQ+ Pride Celebration, reluctantly announce that our 30th Annual LGBTQ+ Pride Celebration, held in Asbury Park, will be rescheduled from October 10th, 2021 to June 5, 2022. Save the date - June 5, 2022, in Asbury Park NJ's Annual LGBTQ Pride Celebration